How to create and manage anchors in your AR experience?
Anchors allow to anchor virtual objects into the physical world in AR experiences. react-three/xr
offers a multitude of ways to create and manage anchors. A simple solution is useXRAnchor
, which works similarly to useState
as it returns the current anchor and a function to request a new anchor as a tuple.
const [anchor, requestAnchor] = useXRAnchor()
With the requestAnchor
function, we can request an anchor relative to the "world"
, a "space"
, or a "hitTestResult"
requestAnchor({ relativeTo: "space", space: ... })
Once the anchor is created, the useXRAnchor
hook exposes it as anchor
. We can now use this anchor
to put content into it using the <XRSpace>
<XRSpace space={anchor.anchorSpace}>
...your content
The following example shows a Anchor
component that uses the useXRAnchor
hook and the XRSpace
component to anchor a Box to the position of the right hand or controller when the respective hand or controller is selected (pinch/trigger).
export function Anchor() {
const [anchor, requestAnchor] = useXRAnchor()
const controllerState = useXRControllerState('right')
const handState = useXRHandState('right')
const inputSource = controllerState?.inputSource ?? handState?.inputSource
async () => {
if (inputSource == null) {
requestAnchor({ relativeTo: 'space', space: inputSource.targetRaySpace })
[requestAnchor, inputSource],
if (anchor == null) {
return null
return (
<XRSpace space={anchor.anchorSpace}>
<mesh scale={0.1}>
<boxGeometry />