
A Lens Flare adds the optical aberration caused by the dispersion of light entering the lens through its edges.

Based on ektogamat/R3F-Ultimate-Lens-Flare.

import { LensFlare } from '@react-three/postprocessing'

return (
    blendFunction={BlendFunction.Screen} // The blend function of this effect.
    enabled={true} // Boolean to enable/disable the effect.
    opacity={1.0} // The opacity for this effect. Default: 1.0
    starBurst={true} // Boolean to enable/disable the start burst effect. Can be disabled to improve performance.
    glareSize={0.96} // The glare size. Default: 0.2
    followMouse={false} // Set it to follow the mouse, ignoring the lens position. Default: false
    lensPosition={[0, 0.5, 0]} // The position of the lens flare in 3d space.
    starPoints={6} // The number of points for the star. Default: 6
    flareSize={0.01} // The flare side. Default 0.01
    flareSpeed={0.01} // The flare animation speed. Default 0.01
    flareShape={0.01} // Changes the appearance to anamorphic. Default 0.01
    animated={true} // Animated flare. Default: true
    anamorphic={false} //Set the appearance to full anamorphic. Default: false
    colorGain={new THREE.Color(70, 70, 70)} // Set the color gain for the lens flare. Must be a THREE.Color in RBG format.
    lensDirtTexture={'/lensDirtTexture.png'} // Texture to be used as color dirt for starburst effect.
    haloScale={0.5} // The halo scale. Default: 0.5
    secondaryGhosts={true} // Option to enable/disable secondary ghosts. Default: true.
    ghostScale={0.0} // Option to enable/disable secondary ghosts. Default: true.
    aditionalStreaks={true} // Option to enable/disable aditional streaks. Default: true.
    smoothTime={0.07} // The time that it takes to fade the occlusion. Default: 0.07

Ignoring occlusion on some objects

To disable the occlusion effect, simply add userData={{ lensflare: 'no-occlusion' }} to your object/mesh props.

Improving performance

Use bvh <bvh><Scene></bvh> to enhance the internal raycaster performance.


The Ultimate Lens Flare leverages the raycaster to examine the material type of objects and determine if they are MeshTransmissionMaterial or MeshPhysicalMaterial. It checks for the transmission parameter to identify glass-like materials. Therefore, for an object to behave like glass, its material should have either transmission = 1 or transparent = true and opacity = NUMBER. The effect automatically interprets the opacity NUMBER value to determine the brightness of the flare.
