A Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) effect. For high quality visuals use two SSAO effect instances in a row with different radii, one for rough AO and one for fine details.

This effect supports depth-aware upsampling and should be rendered at a lower resolution. The resolution should match that of the downsampled normals and depth. If you intend to render SSAO at full resolution, do not provide a downsampled normalDepthBuffer and make sure to disable depthAwareUpsampling.

import { SSAO } from '@react-three/postprocessing'
import { BlendFunction } from 'postprocessing'

return (
    blendFunction={BlendFunction.MULTIPLY} // blend mode
    samples={30} // amount of samples per pixel (shouldn't be a multiple of the ring count)
    rings={4} // amount of rings in the occlusion sampling pattern
    distanceThreshold={1.0} // global distance threshold at which the occlusion effect starts to fade out. min: 0, max: 1
    distanceFalloff={0.0} // distance falloff. min: 0, max: 1
    rangeThreshold={0.5} // local occlusion range threshold at which the occlusion starts to fade out. min: 0, max: 1
    rangeFalloff={0.1} // occlusion range falloff. min: 0, max: 1
    luminanceInfluence={0.9} // how much the luminance of the scene influences the ambient occlusion
    radius={20} // occlusion sampling radius
    scale={0.5} // scale of the ambient occlusion
    bias={0.5} // occlusion bias


Name Type Default Description


BlendFunction.MULTIPLY The blend function of this effect.
distanceScaling Boolean true Enables or disables distance-based radius scaling.
depthAwareUpsampling Boolean true Enables or disables depth-aware upsampling. Has no effect if WebGL 2 is not supported.
normalDepthBuffer Texture null

A texture that contains downsampled scene normals and depth. See


samples Number 9 The amount of samples per pixel. Should not be a multiple of the ring count.
rings Number 7 The amount of spiral turns in the occlusion sampling pattern. Should be a prime number.
distanceThreshold Number 0.97 A global distance threshold at which the occlusion effect starts to fade out. Range [0.0, 1.0].
distanceFalloff Number 0.03 The distance falloff. Influences the smoothness of the overall occlusion cutoff. Range [0.0, 1.0].
rangeThreshold Number 0.0005 A local occlusion range threshold at which the occlusion starts to fade out. Range [0.0, 1.0].
rangeFalloff Number 0.001 The occlusion range falloff. Influences the smoothness of the proximity cutoff. Range [0.0, 1.0].
minRadiusScale Number 0.33 The minimum radius scale. Has no effect if distance scaling is disabled.
luminanceInfluence Number 0.7 Determines how much the luminance of the scene influences the ambient occlusion.
radius Number 0.1825 The occlusion sampling radius, expressed as a resolution independent scale. Range [1e-6, 1.0].
intensity Number 1.0 The intensity of the ambient occlusion.
bias Number 0.025 An occlusion bias. Eliminates artifacts caused by depth discontinuities.
fade Number 0.01 Influences the smoothness of the shadows. A lower value results in higher contrast.
color Color null The color of the ambient occlusion.
resolutionScale Number 1.0 The resolution scale.
width Number Resizer.AUTO_SIZE The render width.
height Number Resizer.AUTO_SIZE The render height.